School Food Focus:
website: School Food FOCUS is a national initiative that helps large school districts (those with 40,000 or more students) procure more healthful, more sustainably produced and regionally sourced food, so that children may perform better in school and be healthier in life.
Produce PDF – How Saint Paul Public Schools increased quantities of fresh, local produce served to kids.
Milk [PDF] – How Saint Paul Public Schools collaborated with vendors and other districts to reduce the sugar content of flavored milks.
Vendor Questions [PDF] – Questions to ask your vendors to reach your goals of procurement change.
School Food 101: A series of briefs describing the operating realities of food service in the nation’s largest school districts, these materials explain school food for a wide spectrum of interest groups, including parents, teachers, legislators, and members of the press. Future topics will include portion and nutrition standards, institutional kitchens and cooking,
regional food systems, wellness policy, and more.
The Cost of School Lunch [PDF, 212kb]
USDA Commodity Foods in School Lunch [PDF, 224kb]